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Hare wakes up feeling under the weather, covered with red spots. Friends take care of her but this makes Fox a little jealous.

Aon mhadainn tha Maigheach a’ dùsgadh ’s gun I idir a’ faireachdainn gu math agus tha broth dearg air a craiceann. Tha a caraidean a’ coimhead às a dèidh ach ’s ann a tha seo a’ fàgail Shionnaich caran farmadach. Feumaidh e smaoineachadh air rudeigin a bheir orra uile esan a mhilleadh anns an aon dòigh. Ge-tà, chan eil cùisean a’ dol buileach mar a bha e an dùil.

One morning Hare wakes up feeling under the weather, covered with red spots. Friends take care of her but this makes Fox a little jealous. So, Fox must come up with a plan to get as much pampering as Hare. But this doesn’t quite turn out the way he expected...

11 minutes


Role Contributor
Director Linda MacLeod
Production Company Solus Productions
