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Episode 6

Murdo Macdonald explores Ardkinglas Gardens in Argyll. Murchadh Dòmhnallach a’cur eòlas air Gàrradh Àird Chonghlais ann an Earra-Ghaidheal.

Green-fingered Murdo Macdonald visits some of the country’s most important gardens to explore their design, plant-life, setting and history.

Murdo is in Ardkinglas on the banks of Loch Fyne in Argyll. In the House Gardens, he finds out about the model railway that used to run along the lochside, and wanders around the azaleas which are bursting with colour in the Ladies’ Garden. He walks up to the Old Mill by the river, then explores the champion trees and rhododendron collection in the Woodland Garden.

Roddy Maclean talks about the folklore associated with bluebells and Dr Mark Newman from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh tells us more about the process of hybridising rhododendrons.

Tha gàirneilear sgileil, Murchadh Dòmhnallach, a’ tadhal air cuid de ghàrraidhean mòra na h-Alba, a’coimhead air an cruth, na tha fàs unnta agus an eachdraidh.

Sa phrògram seo tha Murchadh a’tadhal air Àrd Chonghlais air bruach Loch Fìne ann an Earra-Ghaidheal. Ann an Gàrradh an Taighe cluinnidh e mun mheanbh-rèile a b’àbhaist a bhi ruith ri taobh an locha, agus gabhaidh e cuairt a-measg a h-uile dath azalea ann an Gàrradh nam Ban. Ruigidh e an t-Seann Mhuilleann ri taobh na h-aibhne, mus tèid e choimhead nan sàr-chraobh agus na rhododendron ann an Gàrradh na Coille.

Bruidhnidh Ruairidh MacIlleathain air a’bheul-aithris timchioll air bròg-na-cuthaige, agus cluinnidh sinn barrachd bhon Oll. Mark Newman bho Ghàrradh Luibheanach Rìoghail Dhùn-Èidinn, mu tar-ghineadh nan rhododendron.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Murdo Macdonald
Producer Julie McCrone
