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Air na Busaichean/On the Buses

Episode 4 of 13

A’ coimhead air ais air buaidh nam busaichean air feadh na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean. A nostalgic look back at life on the buses in the Highlands and Islands.

Tha Air na Busaichean a’ gabhail sgrìob tro bhailtean na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean, a’ stad aig an fheadhainn a bhiodh gan draibheadh, an fheadhainn a bhiodh gam frithealadh agus an fheadhainn aig a bheil ùidh anns na carbadan cudromach seo agus iad a’ cuimhneachadh air na cuairtean air an deidheadh iad agus na daoine ris am biodh iad a’ coinneachadh.

Tha meas mòr aig cuid de mhuinntir an àite air na busaichean a bhiodh a’ frithealadh na coimhearsnachdan as iomallaich ann an Alba, le cuimhne mhath aca air a’ chiad turas a bha iad air a’ bhus agus am plòigh ’s am fealla-dhà a leanadh nuair a dh’fhàsadh iad suas, le sgeulachdan is dibhearsain gu leòr aca ri linn. Chan e na cuimhneachain a-mhàin a tha a’ sealltainn cho cudromach ’s a bha na busaichean ge-tà, le buaidh nam busaichean follaiseach anns gach sgìre.

Ann an Leòdhas, bha còrr math air ceud companaidh bus gan ruith ron Dàrna Cogadh - toiseach eachdraidh iongantach de bhusaichean air na rathaidean agus anns na bailtean, agus ge bith dè an tachartas no an t-adhbhar, bha pàirt mhòr aig na busaichean ann am beatha dhaoine sna sgìrean iomallach – le cuimhneachain blàtha agus bàidheil orra cuideachd.

On the Buses takes a spin through the villages of the Highlands and Islands, stopping at the bus drivers, the passengers and bus enthusiasts as they reminisce about the trips they took and the people they met.

Many fondly remember the buses that took them beyond their own communities, while some even remember the first time they were on a bus and the entertainment that ensued as they grew up taking the bus to school and to work every day. These buses not only provided them with great anecdotes, but were a key economic asset for the areas they served.

In Lewis, there were well over a hundred bus companies running before the Second World War - the beginning of a fascinating history on the buses of the Highlands and Islands. Whatever the occasion or necessity, buses played a huge part in the lives of rural communities.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

59 minutes


Role Contributor
Executive Producer Seumas MacTaggart
Executive Producer Margaret Mary Murray
Director Liz Macbain
Producer Peter Macqueen
Production Manager Marion Maclean
Editor Paul Duke
