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Episode 3

Julie Fowlis a’ lìbhrigeadh prògram de chàirdeasan ciùil às an Eilean Sgitheanach. Julie Fowlis presents a show of traditional music collaborations from the Isle of Skye.

Prògram de cheòl traidiseanta air a lìbhigeadh le Julie Fowlis. Bidh ‘Ceòl aig Baile’ a’ tadhal air sgìrean ceòlmhor agus a’ toirt seann charaidean is caraidean ùra còmhla gus ceòl a chruthachadh agus a thaisbeanadh do chruinneachadh beag de luchd-èisteachd.

Bidh cuid den luchd-ciùil thraidiseanta as cliùitiche le ceanglaichean ris an Eilean Sgitheanach rim faicinn ann am prògram a chaidh a chlàradh aig Caisteal Armadail. Bidh taghadh de dh’òrain Ghàidhlig aig Màiri Anna NicUalraig agus Anna Mhàrtainn agus bidh ceòl is dannsa air an riochdachadh le Aonghas MacChoinnich, Ronan Màrtainn, Sophie Stephenson agus Murchadh Camshron. Bidh an còmlan Da Birlinn a’ foillseachadh ceanglaichean ris an Eilean Sgitheanach is Sealtainn.

Trad music show presented by Julie Fowlis. Ceòl aig Baile brings old and new musical friends together to create music and perform intimate concerts at venues in hot-spot areas for traditional music around Scotland.

Filmed at Armadale Castle and Gardens, this programme spotlights a mix of new music and standout collaborations by some of the best traditional musicians with connections to the Isle of Skye. Included are performances of a selection of Gaelic songs by Mary Ann Kennedy and Anne Martin, as well as local instrumental music and dance from Angus MacKenzie, Ronan Martin, Sophie Stephenson and Murdo Cameron. Skye-based band Da Birlinn reveal musical bonds between Skye and Shetland.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

15 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Julie Fowlis
Executive Producer Alasdair MacCuish
Executive Producer Margaret Cameron
Series Producer Iain Macleod
