Episode 17
Donald Lamont investigates complaints about the wild goose population and its damaging effects on crofting land. The Scottish government announced funding to control numbers, but will it be enough?
Tha Dòmhnall Maclaomainn a’ rannsachadh na gearainnean a th’aig croitearean mu à ireamhan geòidh agus an droch bhuaidh a th’ aca air fearainn croitearachd. Bho chionn ghoirid dh’ainmich riaghaltas na h-Alba barrachd maoineachaidh do sgeama sealg dha croitearan airson smachd a chumail air na geòidh - ach am bith seo gu leòr gus an trioblaid a leasachadh? Tha Annabel NicIllFhinnein anns an Eadailt ag èisdeachd ris na h-argamaidean airson agus an aghaidh drochaid eadar eilean Sicily ann an ceann deas na h-Eadailt agus tìr mòr. Às dèidh iomadach oidhirp seo a thoirt gu buil a bheil coltas ann gun tèid e air adhart san ùine ri teachd.
Donald Lamont investigates complaints from crofters about the large wild goose population on the islands and its damaging effects on crofting land. The Scottish government recently announced funding over two years to further control numbers, but will this be enough to tackle the problem? Annabel Maclennan is in Italy to listen to the arguments for and against a bridge to join the island of Sicily in the south to the mainland, and asks, after years of false starts, whether it will ever happen.
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