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Dè an Là a th’ ann?

Episode 5 of 52

Tha cò là-breith AH-AH ann ’s tha e mì-thoilichte oir chan eil guth aig duine air. It’s AH-AH’s birthday and he is not happy, as everyone has forgotten about it.

Tha AH-AH brònach oir tha e den bheachd nach eil planaichean sònraicht’ aig duine airson a chò là-breith ‘s gu bheil a charaidean air dìochnachadh. Ach, gu fortanach, tha iongnadh a’ feitheamh ris mus eil an là a-mach.

AH-AH is unhappy as he thinks that nobody has planned anything special for his birthday and that his friends have forgotten it. Fortunately though, a surprise is awaiting him before the end of the day.

3 days left to watch

7 minutes


Role Contributor
Ah-Ah Derek MacIntosh
²Ñ²¹³¦Ã¬´Ç³¾³ó²¹¾±°ù Iain Mackinnon
Lusach Calum MacKinnon
Daolag Floraidh Maclean
°äù±ô²¹²µ Derek Murray
Siubhlach Jo Macminn
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
Producer May Smart
Editor Phil Reed
Producer Mairi Macleod


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