Neart Inntinn
In the greatest sports competitions these days, victory comes down to the smallest details. Anns na farpaisean as motha, 's e glè bheag a th' eadar buannachd is call.
Explore the science, engineering and technology that are helping athletes maximise their performance. This four-part series has access to labs and training sessions around the world, where scientists measure and analyse performances, friction, materials, interactions with the ground… in order to define the best movement and design the most adapted equipment.
While aiming to increase the number of medals, these studies can have positive effects in other fields, including new insights into the causes and treatment of several physical disorders.
Rannsaich saidheans, innleadaireachd is teicneòlas a leasaicheas dèanadas lùth-chleasaichean. Seallaidh na ceithir prògraman seo ri obair-lannan is seiseanan trèanaidh air feadh an t-saoghail far am bi luchd-saidheans a' measadh is a sgrùdadh dèanadas, suathadh, stuthan agus buntainn ris an talamh... airson an gluasad as fheà rr a ghleusadh agus uidheamachd a dhealbhadh. Ged a tha iad ag amas air buinn a chosnadh faodaidh buaidh a bhith aig an rannsachadh air roinnean eile, a' toirt tuigse ùr air tùsan is leighis diofar uireasbhaidhean fiosaigeach.
Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles
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Role | Contributor |
Narrator | Derek Mackay |
Executive Producer | Calum McConnell |
Producer | Ann Morrison |
Production Manager | Marion Maclean |
Editor | Katie Macdonald |
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