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Mìosan a’ Gheamhraidh (The Winter Months)

Episode 1 of 3

Donald Macsween, or “Sweeny”, as he is best known, is back with the latest news from his croft in Ness.

Tha Dòmhnall MacSuain no “Sweeny” mar as fheàrr a dh’ aithnichear e air ais an dèidh dà bhliadhna le na naidheachdan as ùire bhon lot ann an Nis ’s sinn ga leantainn tro mhìosan doirbh a’ gheamhraidh. Tha dùbhlain a’ nochdadh gach bliadhna, ach chan eil stad a’ tighinn air obair bunaiteach na lot – ge bith dè an seòrsa aimsir a bhios a’ nochdadh.

Tha Sweeny a’ faighinn tarbh bhon ‘department’ airson a’ chiad uair agus tha e a’ siubhal chun tuathanas-ginidh aig Cnoc nan Gàidheal gus bruidhinn ris a’ cheannard, John Cowan, mu dheidhinn mar a tha am pròiseas air fad ag obrachadh.

Le uallach mu na prìsean a tha croitearan a’ faighinn airson an cuid chlòimh, tha e a’ gabhail an cothrom tadhal air Ionad na Clòimhe Bhreatannaich ann an Siorrachd Rois gus ionnsachadh bho cheannard gnìomh na companaidh dè na h-adhbharan a th’ air cùlaibh seo agus cò ris a tha an t-slighe air adhart coltach.

Tha e an còmhnaidh a’ lorg dòighean airson leasachaidhean ùra a dhèanamh agus le sin na inntinn, tha e a’ còmhradh ri luchd-briodaidh nam Buffalo, Nikki agus Ollie Lake, aig an tuathanas aca ann am Moireibh gus ionnsachadh mu na beathaichean socair seo agus na tha iad a’ tabhainn.

Agus tha e air a dhòigh glan leis an dèideag ùr, ghleansach a tha a’ tighinn, a chuidicheas gu mòr le obair làitheil na lot!

Donald Macsween, or “Sweeny”, as he is best known, is back after two years, with the latest news from his croft in Ness as we follow him through the difficult winter months. Every year poses its own challenges but the daily work on the croft never stops - whatever the weather.

Sweeny gets a 'department' bull for the first time and travels to the stud farm at Knocknagael to speak to manager John Cowan about how the whole process works.

Frustrated at the prices crofters get for their wool, he takes the opportunity to visit British Wool's depot in Ross-shire to speak to the company's Head of Operations to find out the reasons behind this, and what the future holds for the product.

Always looking at ways to diversify, he speaks to buffalo breeders Nikki and Ollie Lake at their farm in Moray to learn about the docile animals and what they have to offer. And he gets very excited as a shiny new toy arrives to help him greatly on the croft!

In Gaelic with English subtitles

58 minutes

Last on

Sun 11 Aug 2024 21:00

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Role Contributor
Presenter Donald MacSween
