Celtic Connections 2023
Featuring unseen music performances from The Jit Jive Duo, Rachel Baiman and Tom McGuire & The Brassholes.
Ceòl traidiseanta agus freumhach bho Celtic Connections 2023 air a lìbhrigeadh le Mà iri Anna NicUalraig, le taisbeanaidhean nach fhacas ron seo bhon luchd-ciùil a thadhail air an fhèis. Anns a’ phrògram seo, ceòl funk Albannach bho Tom McGuire & The Brassholes, Rachel Baiman an seinneadair-sgrìobhaiche à Nashville, agus ceòl dannsa Afraganach bho The Jit Jive Duo. Chaidh Seirm a chlà radh aig Platform ann an ionad Arches Srà id Earra-Ghà idheil agus ionadan sònraichte eile air feadh baile Ghlaschu.
Trad and roots music show from Celtic Connections 2023 presented by Mary Ann Kennedy, featuring unseen performances from some of the world-class artists appearing at the festival. This short programme features songs from Scottish funk powerhouse, Tom McGuire & The Brassholes, Nashville based singer-songwriter, Rachel Baiman, and African dance music from The Jit Jive Duo. Seirm was filmed at Platform, in the iconic Argyle Street Arches in Glasgow, and various stunning venues throughout the city.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
Last on
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Mary Ann Kennedy |
- Sun 18 Jun 2023 00:40
- Sun 3 Mar 2024 23:45
- Fri 8 Mar 2024 22:45