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A reflection and prayer to start the day with George Craig, a Methodist local preacher in Cardiff

A reflection and prayer to start the day with George Craig, a Methodist local preacher in Cardiff.

Goodmorning. I always loved visiting my grandma. We didn’t get there very often – it was a long way away – so seeing her was a real treat.

But, truth to tell, it could be quite stressful too. In the weeks leading up to our visit every object in her two room flat would have been dusted and polished within an inch of its life and from the moment we arrived she would be whizzing about the place producing food and drinks and generally spoiling us.

The trouble was, we never really got the chance to sit still and simply enjoy her company – which was what we’d actually come for.

And I thought of her when I discovered that today in many Christian traditions, the church remembers Martha, Mary and their brother Lazarus and their very famous story – Lazarus dies, Jesus is sent for, He comes, raises Lazarus and visits their house where Mary sits at his feet to listen and Martha gets in a tizzy rushing about trying to entertain her guest.

Apart from that story we know nothing about Lazarus.

His sister Mary is a mysterious figure. What is clear is that she was a follower of Jesus – and when she had the chance to spend time with Him she was going to grab it with both hands.

Many of us would find Martha’s reaction perfectly reasonable – treating Jesus as an honoured guest.

But Jesus gently rebuked her – essentially telling her that all that busyness was actually a wasted opportunity when she could be spending time with Him and He with her.

God wants us to enjoy His company, not wear Him out with our busyness. Which strikes a very strong chord with me.

Lord, may we never forget that, whether with You or with those we love, time together is one of our most precious gifts. Help us to use that gift wisely. Amen

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Sat 29 Jul 2023 05:43


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