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Slàn Leat a Bhalaich Laghaich

Tha Max ’s a mhàthair air gluasad gu dachaigh ùr ann an Serbia – ach ciamar a thèid dha? Max and his mother have moved to a new home in Serbia, but how will he get on?

Nuair a tha Max is a mhàthair a gluasad gu dachaigh ùr, chan eil ’ad eòlach air duine. Tha fadachd air gus an till e gu athair is a rìoghachd fhèin. Beag air bheag tha e a’ dèanamh charaidean ùra ’s tha sin a’ dèanamh gnothaichean nas fhasa.

When Max and his mother move to a new home, they don’t know anyone. He is desperate to return to his father and to his own country. Bit by bit he makes new friends and this makes things easier.

14 minutes
