Dhan Stoirm/Into the Storm – Pà irt 1
Mamal nà iseanta Ameireagaidh cha mhòr a’ dol à bith, ach an uair sin a’ tilleadh air ais. America’s national mammal is driven to near extinction, but brought back from the brink.
Sgeulachd mhòr mamal nà iseanta Ameireagaidh, a chùm na Tùsanaich beò airson ginealaichean, agus a cha mhòr a chaidh à bith, mus do chuidich buidheann air nach smaoineachadh sibh an sà bhaladh bho bhith a’ dol à sealladh gu brà th. Tha Ken Burns a’ toirt aithris air dà bheachd eadar-dhealaichte bhon t-saoghal nà darra a’ dol an aghaidh a chèile – agus caractaran nach diochuimhnich sibh a chur an dùthaich air slighe eile.
The dramatic story of America’s national mammal, which sustained the lives of Native people for untold generations, being driven to the brink of extinction, before an unlikely collection of people rescue it from disappearing forever. Ken Burns recounts the tragic collision of two opposing views of the natural world - and the unforgettable characters who pointed the nation in a different direction.
Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles
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- Thu 20 Jun 2024 21:00
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