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Fìdeag a’ Bhogha-fhroise/The Rainbow Whistle

Abney finds a whistle. When he plays it, a beautiful rainbow appears in the sky.

Tha Àtaidh a’ lorg fìdeag. Nuair a tha e ga cluich bidh bogha-froise brèagha a’ nochdadh san adhar. Tha Tilidh dhen bheachd gum bi ionmhas aig ceann a’ bhogha-fhroise, mar sin tha iad a’ dol tarsaing an locha airson a lorg.

Abney finds a whistle. When he plays it, a beautiful rainbow appears in the sky. Teal thinks there will be treasure at the end of the rainbow, so they set out across the lake to find it.

Release date:

11 minutes
