Episode 4
At ten months the dogs have hit puberty, and are starting to show some new teenage rebelliousness.
It鈥檚 been a gruelling summer for our handlers. It鈥檚 now winter, but still feels like summer. Our puppies are ten months old and are starting to develop some undesirable traits and teenage rebelliousness. So far, all pups have conquered the five and seven-month assessments, but are anxiously anticipating the upcoming ten-month challenge.
Lily and Snow in Wilcannia, New South Wales, and Steve and Indi in Winton, Queensland, are progressing well, both confident about where their dogs are and how they鈥檝e progressed in the last two months. But it鈥檚 not all fun and games for our handlers, with a few facing some big setbacks.
In Ban Ban Springs, Queensland, the demands of motherhood have taken a toll on Cilla. Her youngest child has been struggling to sleep and she fears her exhaustion is impacting her mood and ability to effectively train Ash.
Bha samhradh cruaidh aig na c矛obairean. Tha an geamhradh air tighinn, ach tha e fhathast coltach ri samhradh. Tha na cuileanan deich m矛osan a dh'aois agus tha iad a' f脿s fada nan ceann fh猫in agus eas-umhail. Gu ruige seo, rinn iad uile a' ch霉is air na measaidhean aig c貌ig is seachd m矛osan, ach tha iad air bhioran mu choinneamh measadh nan deich m矛os.
Tha Lily agus Snow ann an Wilcannia, New South Wales, agus Steve is Indi ann an Winton, Queensland, a d猫anamh gu math, is tha iad toilichte le adhartas nan con san d脿 mh矛os mu dheireadh. Ach chan e d矛reach sp貌rs is fealla-dh脿 a th' ann dha na c矛obairean, agus tha cnapan-starra m貌ra mu choinneamh cuid.
Ann am Ban Ban Springs, Queensland, tha uallach na m脿thaireachd trom air Cilla. Tha duilgheadas cadail aig a' ph脿iste as 貌ige aice, agus tha eagal oirre gu bheil sg矛ths a' toirt buaidh air a sunnd agus a comais airson Ash a thr猫anadh.
Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles