Episode 2
Tha P脿druig ag ionnsachadh mu eachdraidh aon de na se貌rsachan coin Albannach as sine. Peter uncovers the rich history of one of Scotland's oldest dog breeds.
Tha P脿draig MacCuidhein a' falbh air turas a dh'ionnsachadh mu eachdraidh aon de na se貌rsachan coin Albannach as sine - Mialchoin-Fh猫idh Albannach. Le seann cheanglaichean ris na h-uaislean agus inbhe sh貌nraichte, 's fhada bho bha sealgairean is r矛ghrean na h-Alba d猫idheil air a' mhialchu-fh猫idh. Gabhaidh P脿druig turas tro th矛r chorrach na h-Alba, bho Bhaile Eilidh gu baile eachdraidheil D霉n 脠ideann agus eadhon gu Siorrachd Obar Dheathain is e ag ionnsachadh mu eachdraidh iongantach na gn猫ithe.
Coinnichidh P脿draig ri e貌laichean, luchd-briodaidh agus feadhainn a tha dealasach mun bhriod, aig a bheil sgeulachdan mu chomas seilge a' choin agus 脿ite ann am beul-aithris na h-Alba. Air an t-slighe, bidh P脿draig a' tadhal air Taigh-tasgaidh N脿iseanta na h-Alba a dh'fhaicinn seann ghr脿bhail cloiche agus th猫id e gu f猫ill chon, far an tig aige air c霉 a thaisbeanadh.
Ach an e Mialchu-fh猫idh an c霉 dha Padraig?
Peter MacQueen sets off to discover one of Scotland鈥檚 oldest and most majestic dog breeds - the Scottish Deerhound. With its ancient ties to nobility and its iconic stature, the Deerhound has long been a favourite of Scottish hunters and royalty alike. Peter's journey takes him through the rugged landscapes of Scotland, from Helensburgh to the historical city of Edinburgh, and even to Aberdeenshire, as he learns about the breed鈥檚 incredible history.
Peter meets with Deerhound enthusiasts, breeders, and experts, each sharing stories about the breed鈥檚 legendary hunting prowess and its place in Scottish folklore. Along the way, Peter stops at the National Museum of Scotland to uncover ancient stone carvings and attends a dog show, where he ends up presenting a Deerhound in the ring. But is the Deerhound the right dog for Peter?
In Gaelic with English subtitles