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Episode 2

Episode 2 of 2

Hoolie 2024 eapasod 2 a’ comharrachadh 100 bliadhna de cheòl Albannach le rionnagan ciùil. Continuing the celebration of 100 years of Scottish music with a star-studded line-up.

Ceòl is còmhradh bhon oidhche as motha ann an Alba airson ceòl traidiseanta. Tha Hoolie 2024 a’ comharrachadh 100 bliadhna de cheòl Albannach le rionnagan ciùil am pailteas. Le clach-mhìle shònraichte aig gach còmhlan, tha Capercaillie, Skerryvore, Mànran, RURA agus Talisk a’ comharrachadh linn de cheòl traidiseanta na h-Alba cuide ri cruinneachadh de shàr-luchd-ciùil eile.

Music and conversation from Scotland’s biggest night of traditional music. Hoolie 2024 commemorates 100 years of Scottish music featuring a star-studded line-up. Each marking their own milestone year, Capercaillie, Skerryvore, Mànran, RURA and Talisk celebrate a combined century of Scottish traditional music with an array of special guests.

Release date:

58 minutes


Saturday 21:00

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