Watch Matt Edmondson make the fired candidates squirm during his awkward interviews!
A few highlights from Matt Edmondson's conversations with the candidates.
Leah Totton meets Matt for an interview with an awkward difference.
Luisa Zissman meets Matt for an interview with an awkward difference.
Jordan, Neil and Francesca meet Matt for an interview with an awkward difference.
Myles Mordaunt meets Matt for an interview with an awkward difference.
Alex Mills meets Matt for an interview with an awkward difference.
Jason Leech meets Matt for an interview with an awkward difference.
Kurt Wilson and Natalie Panayi meet Matt for an interview with an awkward difference.
Rebecca Slater meets Matt for an interview with an awkward difference.
Zeeshaan Shah meets Matt for an interview with an awkward difference.
Uzma Yakoob meets Matt for an interview with an awkward difference.
Sophie Lau meets Matt for an interview with an awkward difference.
Tim Stillwell meets Matt for an interview with an awkward difference.
Jaz Ampaw-Farr meets Matt for an interview with an awkward difference.