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Animation: Kieran and Katie - Put the Biscuit Down

Going to the gym means more than just keeping fit.

Animator: Chloe Lewitt
Course: BA Animation, University of Gloucestershire

The animator says: I was immediately drawn to this conversation because of how real and relevant the discussion of body image always is. Feeling insecure about your weight and health is something that affects almost everyone and it is so important to be aware of how social media can influence the standards which we measure ourselves against. It is easy to compare yourself to others, especially in this day and age where there is so much content online that constantly shapes our opinions about appearance, health and lifestyle. I decided to use fruit and vegetable characters because as just like us, they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes! Always remember that even if you consider yourself to be a little ‘pear shaped’ there is no one who could ever be as unique as you are!

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1 minute