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Why we need an alternative GDP measure that respects nature

Juliet Kabera, Director General of the Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) and Natalia Greene, environmental campaigner in Ecuador, say that economic growth that is captured in the GDP indicators focus on the growth of industries that destroy and pollute natural resources.

They believe that a new measure is needed, that also rewards sustainability and preserving nature for the next generation. They argue that the current indicators reward industries that pollute and mine, regardless of how many resources are wasted or destroyed. The say a new set of indicators would honour the impact and wellbeing of people and the environment, and reflect how resources are being used, kept and sustained for the next generation.

"If we don't give nature rights, we won't reallise how urgently we need to change."

Photo: A member of the military dampens down a burning forest - fires are often started deliberately to make way for plantations such as palm oil. Credit: Getty Images

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4 minutes