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D煤n Laoghaire

D煤n Laoghaire Sea Scouts demonstrate their canoeing and sailing skills.

B铆onn l谩 l谩n spraoi agus eachtra铆ochta ag Gas贸ga Mara Dh煤n Laoghaire agus iad ag l茅iri煤 a gcuid scileanna seolt贸ireachta sa tsraith 煤r seo do ph谩ist铆 ar aoibhinn leo sp贸irt uisce. T谩 meas acu ar an uisce ach n铆l aon eagla ar na cail铆n铆 seo roimhe. Is cuma m谩s seolt贸ireacht ar bh谩d aonarach n贸 ar bh谩d m贸r 贸n bhliain 1720 at谩 i gceist, tugann siad faoi go fonnmhar. B铆onn go leor obair foirne i gceist agus is 茅 an comhoibri煤 seo a chuireann leis an spraoi a bh铆onn acu. Ag deireadh an lae n铆l uathu ach leithsc茅al l茅im isteach san uisce!

There鈥檚 no boat too small or too big for the D煤n Laoghaire Sea Scouts as they demonstrate their canoeing and sailing skills in this new series for children who love water activities. This group combine a great respect for the water with a fearlessness of it. Whether the boat is an Opi or a 1720, they handle both with equal ease. Working as a team is essential and adds to the fun and camaraderie. But at the end of the day all they really want is an excuse to jump into the water!

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11 minutes