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Ryan Bancroft Wins The Royal Philharmonic Society鈥檚 Conductor Award

Ryan Bancroft Wins The Royal Philharmonic Society鈥檚 Conductor Award

Ryan Bancroft, Principal Conductor of the 成人论坛 National Orchestra of Wales, has won the prestigious Conductor award at this year’s RPS awards. Hosted on Monday 1 November at London’s Wigmore Hall and presented by 成人论坛 Radio 3's Katie Derham, the Royal Philharmonic Society Awards are considered to be the BAFTAs of the Classical Music world.

Bancroft was recognised in this category for the outstanding quality and scope of his performances, presented digitally or for a live audience. Over the past year, he has continued to work extensively with the 成人论坛 National Orchestra of Wales despite the many challenges brought about by Covid.

In September 2020, Ryan Bancroft made his first engagement as Principal Conductor of the 成人论坛 National Orchestra of Wales (成人论坛 NOW), at the first 成人论坛 Prom ever performed in Cardiff which was filmed behind closed doors due to restrictions. Throughout lockdowns, he recorded digital concerts with the orchestra, television and radio performances and conducted 成人论坛 NOW at the Royal Albert Hall in August 2021 for the 成人论坛 Proms.

Speaking before the RPS Awards about his work with 成人论坛 NOW, Ryan explained more about his creatively prolific time with 成人论坛 NOW so far:

“成人论坛 NOW has helped me by giving me courage and hope. It’s an incredibly meaningful act to be able to show up together, sit down with something quite abstract, make the choice to communicate with each other, and end up creating temporary freedom for audiences across Wales (and via the internet!). That is a brave act and one that has made me a stronger person and musician.”

Ryan Bancroft grew up in Los Angeles and first came to international attention in April 2018 when he won both First and Audience Prize at the prestigious Malko Competition for Young Conductors in Copenhagen. So while this RPS Conductor Award is not his first accolade, his delight tonight after winning his RPS Conductor award was evident. He said:

“Winning this award is an immense honour, not only because of previous laureates of this special accolade, but also because it gives resonance to the incredible musicians that I've had the privilege to learn from and perform with over the past year. This is impossible without them.

It goes without saying that all of my mentors, musical or non-musical, have had a massive impact on my life; they have given me the fortitude to push through with the hope of helping create something purposeful. This being said, I owe this all to the staff and musicians of the 成人论坛 National Orchestra of Wales. It’s a beautiful thing to go to work happy…they make it easy.”

The whole team at 成人论坛 NOW is elated that our Principal Conductor has won this RPS Award, including director, Lisa Tregale. Speaking after the award announcement, Lisa said:

“Ryan is genuinely admired and appreciated by everyone at the 成人论坛 National Orchestra of Wales, so we are delighted that his talent has been recognised by the Royal Philharmonic Society. He is always exciting to work with and his unique, elegant and emotive conducting style combined with his infectious personality have enabled him to command loyalty and utmost respect from all who work with him and it’s also evident that our audiences witness something very special when he’s on the podium. We’re incredibly proud that he’s our Principal Conductor and this award is well deserved.”

Ryan Bancroft yn Ennill Gwobr Arweinydd y Gymdeithas Ffilharmonig Frenhinol

Mae Ryan Bancroft, Prif Arweinydd Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y 成人论坛, wedi ennill y wobr Arweinydd nodedig yng ngwobrau RPS eleni. Cafodd Gwobrau y Gymdeithas Ffilharmonig Frenhinol eu cynnal nos Lun 1 Tachwedd yn Neuadd Wigmore Llundain a chawsant eu cyflwyno gan gyflwynydd 成人论坛 Radio 3 Katie Derham. Dyma wobrau BAFTA y byd Cerddoriaeth Glasurol.

Cafodd Bancroft ei gydnabod yn y categori hwn am ansawdd a chwmpas rhagorol ei berfformiadau, yn ddigidol neu o flaen cynulleidfa fyw. Dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, mae wedi parhau i wneud llawer iawn o waith gyda Cherddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y 成人论坛 er gwaethaf y llu o heriau a fu oherwydd Covid.

Mis Medi 2020 oedd y tro cyntaf i Ryan Bancroft weithio fel Prif Arweinydd Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y 成人论坛 (成人论坛 NOW), yn y Prom 成人论坛 cyntaf erioed i gael ei berfformio yng Nghaerdydd, a gafodd ei ffilmio y tu ôl i ddrysau caeedig oherwydd cyfyngiadau. Drwy gydol y cyfnod clo, recordiodd gyngherddau digidol gyda’r gerddorfa, perfformiadau teledu a radio a bu’n arwain 成人论坛 NOW yn Neuadd Frenhinol Albert ym mis Awst 2021 ar gyfer y 成人论坛 Proms.

Gan siarad cyn Gwobrau’r RPS am ei waith gyda 成人论坛 NOW, eglurodd Ryan fwy am ei gyfnod creadigol gyda 成人论坛 NOW hyd yma:

“Mae 成人论坛 NOW wedi fy helpu drwy roi dewrder a gobaith i mi. Mae’n hynod o ystyrlon ein bod wedi gallu dod at ein gilydd, eistedd i lawr gyda rhywbeth eithaf haniaethol, dewis cyfathrebu â’n gilydd, a chreu rhyddid dros dro i gynulleidfaoedd ledled Cymru (a thrwy’r rhyngrwyd!). Mae hynny’n ddewr ac mae wedi fy ngwneud i’n unigolyn ac yn gerddor cryfach.”

Magwyd Ryan Bancroft yn Los Angeles a daeth i sylw rhyngwladol am y tro cyntaf ym mis Ebrill 2018 pan enillodd y Wobr Gyntaf a Gwobr y Gynulleidfa yng Nghystadleuaeth enwog Malko i Arweinyddion Ifanc yn Copenhagen. Felly, er nad Gwobr Arweinydd RPS yw ei anrhydedd cyntaf, roedd ei bleser heno ar ôl ennill gwobr Arweinydd RPS yn amlwg. Dywedodd:

“Mae ennill y wobr hon yn anrhydedd enfawr, nid yn unig oherwydd enillwyr blaenorol y wobr arbennig hon, ond hefyd oherwydd bod hyn yn glod i’r cerddorion anhygoel rwyf wedi cael y fraint o ddysgu oddi wrthynt a pherfformio gyda nhw dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf. Mae hyn yn amhosibl hebddyn nhw.

Does dim rhaid dweud bod fy holl fentoriaid, rhai cerddorol neu rai nad ydynt yn ymwneud â cherddoriaeth, wedi cael dylanwad enfawr ar fy mywyd; maen nhw wedi rhoi’r dewrder i mi fwrw ymlaen â’r gobaith o helpu i greu rhywbeth pwrpasol. Wedi dweud hyn, mae arna i’r cyfan i staff ac i gerddorion Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y 成人论坛. Mae hi’n hyfryd cael mynd i’r gwaith yn hapus...maen nhw’n ei wneud yn hawdd.”

Mae tîm cyfan 成人论坛 NOW yn falch bod ein Prif Arweinydd wedi ennill y Wobr RPS hon, gan gynnwys y cyfarwyddwr, Lisa Tregale. Wrth siarad ar ôl cyhoeddi’r wobr, dywedodd Lisa:

“Mae Ryan yn cael ei edmygu a’i werthfawrogi’n fawr gan bawb yng Ngherddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y 成人论坛, felly rydyn ni wrth ein bodd bod y Gymdeithas Ffilharmonig Frenhinol wedi cydnabod ei dalent. Mae hi bob amser yn gyffrous gweithio gydag ef ac mae ei arddull arwain unigryw, urddasol ac emosiynol ynghyd â’i bersonoliaeth heintus wedi ei alluogi i ennyn teyrngarwch a pharch gan bawb sy’n gweithio gydag ef ac mae’n amlwg hefyd bod ein cynulleidfaoedd yn gweld rhywbeth arbennig iawn pan fydd ar y podiwm. Rydyn ni’n falch iawn ei fod yn Brif Arweinydd arnom ni ac mae’n llwyr haeddu’r wobr hon.”