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A little bit about Phil


Phil. I always wanted a cooler name as a child. like ZACK

Where were you born?

In a snowdrift in the northern hills of Manchester. Thankfully not in a birthing pool as that sounds pretty gross.

Favourite present you got as a kid?

When I was 8 my parents bought me a video camera for Christmas which recorded on to tape! I made horror films with friends on my street.. They involved a LOT of ketchup blood and death scenes. I should try and find them and put them on YouTube!

Biggest achievement?

I have a Guinness World Record for being the world's fastest coin stacker.

Favourite song?

Muse: New Born

Favourite YouTube clip?

I think my favourite clip is Noah Takes a ! It's really hypnotic watching this guy's life flash before your eyes and makes me want to go and do something with mine:听

Most embarrassing hair do?

At the start of secondary school I decided I wanted to stand out so I dyed my hair blonde.. well.. that was the colour on the box. The actual result was FLUORESCENT GINGER. I was like a beacon for snowballs.

Three rules you live your life by?

  1. ALWAYS have breakfast. If I don't have coffee I could be genuinely mistaken for a zombie.
  2. Don't take life too seriously.
  3. Double check before I send text messages after too many embarrassing auto correct mistakes! The most recent was signing a very important text as 'Ovum' instead of 'Phil'

Daily rituals?

I think of video ideas in the shower. I hit snooze about 9000 times so I am late for everything. Also I don't think I've gone 24 hours without tweeting for about 3 years!

Favourite food?

Chinese food! Or popcorn. or both

Do you sleep with your eyes open ever?

Haha people do that?! That would be terrifying.

Ever dreamt about being an animal? is so which one?

Half shark / half eagle - Sheagle