A series of exciting animated history films for primary pupils, covering some key curriculum themes.
This animated series of short films offers an introduction to some key themes of the primary history curriculum. Using these films, your class can explore:
These short films are suitable for teaching KS1 and KS2 pupils in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and 1st and 2nd Level pupils in Scotland.
Hill forts. video
An animated introduction to Iron Age hill forts for primary pupils.
Migration. video
An introduction to migration for primary pupils, looking at how migration to and from the United Kingdom has changed over time.
Industrialisation. video
An animated introduction to industrialisation for primary pupils.
The digital revolution. video
An animated introduction for primary pupils to the impact of the digital revolution over the past 50 years.
Roman roads. video
An introduction for primary pupils as to why and how the Romans built a network of roads in Britain.
Where next?
Ancient Voices. collection
In a series of short films, archaeologist Raksha Dave explores the amazing places, monuments and archaeological finds left behind from prehistoric Britain to build a picture of what it must have been like living in the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages.
Use these Bitesize resources to set homework, independent study tasks or to consolidate learning for your pupils.
The latest news stories from Newsround to share in the classroom.