Hello, I am Tisha and my husband is Arefin. We have a son who is 2 1/2 years old and we have been in the UK for 4 years.
We are Bangladeshi and we speak Bengali.
We try to speak Bengali, some of the food names like "muri", which is puffed rice. People from Bangladesh love food, especially fish.
Back home, we do the breakfast with"roti" (bread).
It will give him some idea about the culture and the language as well.
Like most of the time when I'm going to the shop鈥 like the Bengali shop for buying fish or masala, I take him there. And he enjoys it.
I believe his brain is taking in those words in Bengali. We try to speak Bengali with him, the product names. If it's chicken, we call it "murgi". He doesn't want to say it in Bengali, but it's in his head. Most of the time we feel at home because there are lots of Bengali people around us. Like all of the people are speaking Bengali. It's very important for us as well, for him to become proud of where his ancestors came from. That's his culture.