
Babies often love it when rhymes involve your touch too.

The more you repeat rhymes and they get used to waiting for your touches and tickles, the more likely they'll guess what comes next.

So why not have a go at singing Cross Cross, Line Line? Watch the video below to hear the full rhyme.

Singing Cross Cross Line Line with your child

Like Pop Goes the Weasel and Round the Garden, this a great game to help build up anticipation.

Wait before you tickle your child to see if they react. This creates what is called a wait and respond pattern, which is like an early form of conversation.

By seeing whether your baby responds before you tickle them, you are helping them learn about the importance of turn taking in a conversation.

Once you've sung the song a few times, you baby might begin to anticipate what is going to happen and make noises. When they guess right, a feel-good hormone called dopamine is released in their brain.

This is one of the reasons they enjoy singing these rhymes again and again.

Cross Cross, Line Line lyrics

Cross, cross, line, line

Spider crawling up your spine

Cool breeze, tight squeeze

And now here come the tickles!

In case you missed it