
Holding a teddy bear's picnic is a great way to boost your child's imagination through some pretend play together.

All you'll need is a few props, some favourite teddies and your child's creativity.

Invite friends or brothers and sisters too 鈥 it's a great way for siblings to play and bond together. Check out how in the video below.

A mum pretending to pour tea for their daughter.
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Get involved in your child's picnic and encourage them to chat.

What are the benefits of holding a teddy bear's picnic?

  • Role plays like teddy bear's picnics encourage children to use their imagination
  • It can help children to reinforce things they've learnt in everyday life by acting them out
  • Role play can help with children's emotional and social development
  • Pretend role play gives your little one the opportunity to take the lead and explore their creativity
  • Asking lots of open questions can open up conversations with your child. Ask them about what they're serving their guests.

How to make the most of a teddy bear's picnic

Let your child take the lead. Ask them which teddies they'd like to gather together for their picnic and where they'd like them to sit.

Gather together any toys you might have that will help like teapots, cups and saucers and plates. Don't worry if you don't have these, you can encourage your child to pretend as they serve their guests.

Ask them lots of questions as they play - 'what are you going to make for teddy? What do you need to do to make that? How does teddy like his tea?'.

Older and younger siblings could be encouraged to join in too. These special guests can help children put what they've learnt about sharing into practise.

A mum pretending to pour tea for their daughter.
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Get involved in your child's picnic and encourage them to chat.
A mum and her 2 daughters sat on the floor having a teddy bear's picnic.
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Having siblings or friends at the picnic means there are more talking opportunities.

Ideas for teddy bear's picnic activities

1. Hide and seek with teddy

Try hiding a teddy around the house during your picnic and looking for it together.

Hide and seek games are great fun and can help children follow simple instructions. Try giving your child clues about where the teddy is hidden, or play "colder or warmer".

Check out our video on treasure hunts with preschoolers.

2. Over and under

You could try playing the over and under game with your little one, each using a teddy.

This fun game teaches children position words like 'over', 'under', 'in front of' and 'on top of'.

3. Practising sharing

Get a circle of teddies and toys together and see if your child can share their items equally between them. If they want to have a different item, they must first ask the toy nicely to see if they'd like to swap.

While you're playing this game, you could talk about kindness. Make clear statements about why sharing is good for your child and others.

More on practising sharing with preschoolers

A mum and her 2 daughters sat on the floor having a teddy bear's picnic.
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Having siblings or friends at the picnic means there are more talking opportunities.

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