
Motor skills are used everyday throughout our lives. They help us move and do everything writing with the pencil to opening a door.

Motor skills and motor control begin developing after birth, and will progress as your child grows.

This ribbon pull toy is a really easy and fun way to help develop your baby's motor skills. Watch the video below to see the toy in action.

How to make a ribbon pull toy

Preparation time

This ribbon pull toy takes around 15 minutes to prepare.

You will need:

  • An empty crisp tube or something similarly shaped
  • Some ribbon or shoelaces
  • Scissors
  • (Optional) Coloured paper or paint, for decoration


1. Cut several random holes in your crisp tube using scissors. Make sure you have enough holes for how ever many ribbons or shoelaces you're using.

2. Feed your ribbons or shoelaces through one hole and out the other. Don't pull them too far, or else they might fall out of the first hole.

Step 1: Cut several random holes in your crisp tube using scissors.
Step 2: Feed your ribbons through one hole and out the other.

3. Tie knots into the end of each ribbon. If possible, try to use double knots as they are less likely to come undone when you're playing.

4. Ready鈥teady鈥ull! It's time to play with your toy. If you're feeling creative, you can decorate the outside of the tube with paint or coloured paper.

Keep and eye on your little one at all times during craft activities and playtime. Remember to keep small and sharp objects out of baby's reach.

Step 3: Tie knots into the end of the each ribbon.
Step 4: Ready...steady...play! It's time to play with your toy.

Top Tip

At first, your baby might struggle to grab or pull the bits of ribbon. But if you offer to help and show them how it's done, they'll not only improve their pincer grip but their focus too.

Did you know?

A baby has 27 bones and 34 muscles in their hand. This toy is great way to help your little one learn how to use them.

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