
Sometimes getting a child out the door for school or a walk can be a long process. So why not embrace it and turn it into a fun activity?

Chat as you get ready to leave the house with your grandchild. You could talk about what they're wearing and what they might need. This will help them learn new words.

Find out why this activity is so great for your grandchild's development in the video below.

Why make an activity out of getting ready?

  • Naming their body parts and items of clothing will introduce them to lots of new words.
  • Asking them about what they might need allows them to form sentences in the future tense.
  • This activity encourages children to think about things that aren't in front of them.
  • Repeating sentences and actions helps them to learn crucial life skills.
  • Chatting through your daily routine turns them into great bonding opportunities.
A grandma helps her grandson put his coat on before going for a walk.
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Chat as you get ready for a walk with your grandchild.

Getting ready games

Sometimes a fun game can make leaving the house with a young child a bit easier. Why not try one of these with your grandchild next time you're getting ready to go out?

Against the clock

Make a list of tasks your grandchild must do before you leave the house, such a putting their shoes on and getting their coat, hat or scarf.

Set a timer or count down out loud and challenge your grandchild to do all of the things before the time runs out.

This is a great way to teach children about resilience and trying again if it doesn't work the first time. It's also a great way for them to practise following instructions.

Clothes hide and seek

If you're not in a rush to leave the house, you could try having a small treasure hunt with your grandchild. Why not try hiding their coat and shoes somewhere in your house and let them try and find it?

This game is great for teaching children about location words, such as "over" and "under".

If your grandchild is older and has a good understanding of language, try using words like 'warmer' or 'colder' to describe where the hidden object is.

A grandma helps her grandson put his coat on before going for a walk.
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Chat as you get ready for a walk with your grandchild.

Getting ready activities for all ages and stages

  • Talking about your day - A perfect activity for newborn babies. By talking to baby through all the things you're doing and planning to do, you'll engage them and spark brain activity.
  • Getting dressed with a toddler - Getting an 18-month-old dressed is a great chance to build their vocab.
  • Let's get ready - Find out how getting ready is a brilliant opportunity to chat with a 2-year-old.
  • Dressing for the weather - Ask your 3-year-old to check the weather and decide what they will wear outside.

In case you missed it