"Once upon a time, a flock of birds left their home at Park View, Tunpath Lane, to escape the cold, harsh winter. However, on their return a surprise awaited them - for where there had once been an empty lifeless field, a vast forest had sprung up from the ground. But what divine force could be responsible for this most magical of occurrences? Here I feel I must explain.
You see, not so long ago my mother, my father, my brother and I moved house. Oh and I forgot to mention that with us moved forty - five rather large trees ranging from eight to twenty feet in height and each as precious as another child to my father who knew them all affectionately by number. He had nurtured every single one from seed and over the years they had grown and grown all the while enclosed in their tiny pots.
Gradually, they took over the garden until there was room for them to grow no more and our house was shrouded in darkness like Sleeping Beauty's castle. Moving house then, came not a moment too soon for the trees desperately needed to be planted in the ground where their tangled roots could grow free.
It was some time after those birds left for winter that the great planting began (an operation that required military planning and precision). Within a matter of weeks we had created our very own forest, the secret of which, those birds will never really know but after all the trouble we went to, I do hope they truly appreciate their new home and live there happily ever after. "
Anna Roberts