Finding Her Way
Hope and optimism abound for young Catherine, but not so long ago she didn't know what to do with her life.
"I was 12 years old at the time, nothing to do... watching the cars passing and even playing knock knock ginger. My family kept on, 'do something with yourself', which I also thought myself.
I got up one day and believed that I could do it, and I became part of a community project. There were great opportunities and the words 'ACHIEVING THINGS' sounded exciting.
I started in a youth club where lots of young people who I never knew before attended. I took up dance and still love doing this. I've won many awards and have taken part in community shows. I'm in a youth forum where as a team we have a say on what we'd like to see in the community.
I've gone on loads of trips and have really enjoyed the experiences. I also take up courses that are available to me. To be honest, there's so much that the project has given me the opportunity to do, that I've decided to give this all back by achieving things for myself.
So now I enjoy teaching 45 children dance twice a week and also work as a full time nursery nurse in the day care centre. You might think, 'Oh my God', but let me tell you what a life time experience it is especially as I'm only 18. I love being with children, around children and even having fun with them.
Everything that I've achieved wouldn't have happened to me if I didn't listen to my family and myself. To be honest it's the best thing ever, and I hope that in the future the community and especially the children I work with, will achieve all the things I have, because being part of the project and having so much support off everyone has really changed my life.
My family are proud, the project are proud and most of all, I am proud."
Catherine Downs