"I just celebrated my 24th birthday. You know I'm a spoilt young girl and do basically nothing. Mum does everything for me.
I come from Tonga and I'm in Cardiff on a scholarship for three months sponsored by the Thomson Foundation. Here I am in a strange land. Everything from clothing to food is different. Once in a shopping centre I am lost as to what to pick- and what to buy - especially food.
Well, welcome to my lovely kitchen. This is where I want to be most of the time. I can meet my friends here, relax - and then - my favourite thing: eating. But that's where I have a problem. My Mum always cooked for me and here, I am lost. What a crisis! Can anybody help me please?
Yes, thank God for sending this lovely mate of mine to help me learn how to cook. Her name is Peggy Donkor from Ghana and she is my roommate. Every time I cook she always corrects me and tells me how to get it right. But I get so impatient and can't wait to eat. Many times I've turned off the heat to discover that it needs more cooking. I just can't hold my stomach back from making noises and what makes my life go weird, is that I'm always hungry!
Some days I feel so tired and frustrated that I give up and off I go. Time for a burger! It does the trick. Then I'm OK for the day."