Margaret's Rainbow
Margaret, from the south Wales valleys, found it difficult to overcome being a victim of crime.
Dark Days and Rainbows
Why? Why do I feel the guilty one? I'm the victim, he's the one that done the crime to me. How can anyone do something like this in a religious place like this cemetery? All I was doing was helping a friend, to place some flowers on her husband's grave... and I was mugged; attacked. It have completely changed my life.
It's not that he stole my purse and handbag - he stole my freedom!
I never left the house for three years. I was so frightened to go out in case I bumped into him. God, I wanted to hurt him - that's what scared me. That's what made me feel so guilty.
The only people I would have around me were my family, who supported me in every way they could. My husband and daughter bought me jewellery to cheer me up. They tried all ways to get me out of the house, but I just couldn't do it! Until one day, my husband finally got me to go for a ride in the car.
I was so terrified, I couldn't stop crying. But that was my first step. I suddenly decided I wanted to stop being a victim. That's when I started getting back to normal life by helping other people.
I'm now involved in many charities. Every time I help someone I feel stronger. And now at last, I love being out of the house - the dark days have gone and I have finally found my rainbow.
Margaret Oliver