"Why Aghh, well wouldn't you Aghh? My day starts with cold feet on my back about 6am. He doesn't want to get up either. He loves a cuddle. Another face appears, can I have a cuddle too? No, no, we're late as usual.
Breakfast, breakfast, Ready Brek please. Can't you have something easier today? No. Ready Brek. I want toast. I want toast too. I'll do my own.
I haven't a clean shirt. Well find one I'm not your mother too. Where's my underwear? Have you finished your breakfast? You need to use the bathroom. There's a queue, everyone is waiting. Joe, leave your sister alone.
Mum, mum, can I use your straighteners? No time you're late already. I won't be taking you to school when you miss the bus. Door slams, bye!
Well done, quick getaway, alright for some.
Where's my PE kit? I haven't any dinner money. Mum can I watch the telly? You're not dressed yet, come here, where your socks gone? Ta ra mum; another one gone. Only four of us left now.
Straighten my hair mum! What now?! You've got to be joking. I can't go to school looking like this. Hurry up, you'll miss the bus. I need to use the bathroom.
Where's your brother gone? James, James! Bye mum, bye mum. Don't forget I've got tennis tonight and I've got dancing. How are you getting home? Can you pick us up? The door slams.
James, Alison's here. The house is empty, just time for me to get ready. Got a meeting at nine.
Ohhhh. Most people don't like going to work. I do, I get a break. But then it's not the only time I feel different. It's like when we walk down the street. It really amuses me the way people look at us. Tina, that's me. Joe, he's taller than me. James, my husband, we've been married for two years now. The kids were there; James, our boy; big Emily, she's got five sisters and four brothers; Little Emily, the brains of the family. No, we're not normal, but are you?"