
Semiconductors and p-n junctionsSemiconductor materials

Semiconductors can be doped with other materials to become p-type or n-type. A p-n junction diode can be forward or reverse bias. LEDs are forward bias diodes that produce photons of light. Solar cells are p-n junctions that absorb photons, giving electrons enough energy to enter the conduction band.

Part of PhysicsElectricity

Semiconductor materials

Elements that are used as , such as silicon and germanium, have four outer shell . This means that they can form four bonds with other identical atoms.

In a crystal of pure silicon each silicon atom is surrounded by four other silicon atoms. In this state the silicon will not conduct.

Semiconductor p-n junction diode

Pure silicon can be doped with tiny quantities of impurities by diffusing the impurities as a gas into the liquid semiconductor before it crystallizes.