
Reading and translation practice - school website

School website

You read this description of a French school on their website.

Bienvenue sur notre site web. Ici, vous trouverez des renseignements utiles sur notre 茅tablissement. Nous accueillons 800 茅l猫ves, avec une 茅quipe constitu茅e de 40 enseignants et neuf membres du personnel administratif.

Le coll猫ge a 茅t茅 fond茅 en 1916 et nous avons a f锚t茅 son centenaire avec un programme de r茅novation pendant lequel toutes les 35 salles de classe ont 茅t茅 modernis茅es. Nous avons une excellente salle d鈥檌nformatique dont toutes les classes profitent pleinement. Nous avons 茅galement d鈥檈xcellents 茅quipements sportifs dont une grande salle omnisport r茅cemment am茅nag茅e.

Les cours commencent 脿 8h30. Il y en a sept par jour et ils durent 50 minutes. La plupart de nos 茅l猫ves viennent au coll猫ge 脿 pied, mais certains prennent les cars du ramassage scolaire. 脌 10h35, il y a une r茅cr茅 de quinze minutes et 脿 13h00, c鈥檈st la pause-d茅jeuner qui dure quarante-cinq minutes. Les cours se terminent 脿 seize heures. Apr猫s les cours, nos 茅l猫ves fr茅quentent divers clubs pour participer 脿 des activit茅s culturelles et sportives. Il n鈥檡 a pas de cours le mercredi apr猫s-midi ni le samedi matin.

Tous nos 茅l猫ves font un minimum de quarante-cinq minutes de devoirs chaque soir. La discipline est stricte et le comportement de nos 茅l猫ves est excellent.

Nous vous souhaitons une excellente visite sur le site de notre 茅tablissement.

H茅l猫ne Benoit, principale du coll猫ge.


Choose the correct option from the table below.

AThe school is over 100 years old.
BThe school is exactly 100 years old.
CThe school is nearly 100 years old.
The school is over 100 years old.
The school is exactly 100 years old.
The school is nearly 100 years old.


Choose the correct option from the table below.

AThe classrooms are all in the course of being modernised.
BThe classrooms have all recently been modernised.
CThe classrooms will all be modernised in the near future.
The classrooms are all in the course of being modernised.
The classrooms have all recently been modernised.
The classrooms will all be modernised in the near future.


Choose the correct option from the table below.

AThe school has a big new gymnasium and an excellent computer room.
BThe school has a big new gymnasium and an excellent canteen.
CThe school has a big new gymnasium and an excellent workshop.
The school has a big new gymnasium and an excellent computer room.
The school has a big new gymnasium and an excellent canteen.
The school has a big new gymnasium and an excellent workshop.


Choose the correct option from the table below.

AOn Wednesdays there is no school in the afternoon.
BOn Wednesdays there is no school in the morning.
COn Wednesdays there is no school.
On Wednesdays there is no school in the afternoon.
On Wednesdays there is no school in the morning.
On Wednesdays there is no school.