Radio interview
Samantha has been asked to contribute to a travel feature on a radio programme. She is interviewed by the presenter about her recent holiday. Listen to what she has to say and answer the questions which follow.
Where did Samantha go on holiday?
Iapan. There is no letter 'j' in the Gaelic alphabet. Some words beginning with 'j' in English begin with 'i' in Gaelic, eg Iameuga, 'Jamaica' and Ierusalem, 'Jerusalem'.
How does she describe this country?
Colourful and busy.
Dathach agus trang. Dathach comes from dath the Gaelic for 'colour'.
What interesting fact does Samantha share about the country?
It has some of the world's largest cities.
Tha cuid de na bailtean as motha san t-saoghal ann an Iapan.