At the simplest level, computers are little more than a collection of transistors and circuits. They connect together to form logic gates, which in turn are used to form logic circuits.
A computer is basically a collection of transistorMicroscopic devices that open and close circuits to communicate electrical signals. CPUs contain millions of transistors. and circuitA closed loop through which current moves - from a power source, through a series of components, and back into the power source.. These components have two states:
on - a current is flowing through the component
off - a current is not flowing through the component
These two states can easily be represented by using binaryA number system that contains two symbols, 0 and 1. Also known as base 2.:
1 = on (TRUE)
0 = off (FALSE)
BooleanA data type in computing which only has two possible values, true or false. logic can be used to check if the values of different states are the same or different when compared. When George Boole was studying mathematical theories, he discovered a relationship between algebra and logic. This led to the idea that by comparing different states using three main conditionIn computing, this is a statement that is either true or false. A computation depends on whether a condition equates to true or false., this would always output a true or false value. This later became known as a Boolean data typeIn computer programming, data is divided up and organised according to type, eg numbers, characters and Boolean..