Plant pathogenMicroorganism that causes disease. cause diseases with a range of different symptoms. These symptoms can be used to identify the pathogen and then treat the disease, or limit its effects.
The symptoms of rose black spot and the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) are shown below.
Slide 1 of 2, A leaf infected with rose black fungus, Symptom and example of disease Spots on leaves caused by the rose black spot fungus
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Controlling the spread of tobacco mosaic virus
To control the spread of TMV, farmers must:
dig up and destroy infected plants
wash their hands after handling infected plants
wash tools that have come into contact with infected plants in detergent or bleach
rotate the crops they grow in a contaminated field - they must not grow tobacco or tomato plants in the field for at least two years
Plant scientists have now also produced varieties of crops - by selective breedingAn artificial process in which organisms with desired characteristics are chosen as parents for the next generation. and genetic engineeringProcess which involves the artificial transfer of genetic information from one donor cell or organism to another. - that are resistant to TMV.
Controlling and treating rose black spot
Black spot is treatable using fungicideA chemical which kills fungi.. The fungicide can also be sprayed on rose bushes to prevent infection, especially when the weather is likely to be warm and wet.
Transmission can be reduced by:
not planting rose bushes too close together, which allows air to circulate around the plants
avoiding wetting the leaves when watering the plant
collecting and destroying infected leaves
Many rose growers also now grow resistant varieties of roses.