
Romeo and Juliet - Assessment objectives

Below are the assessment objectives for your exam. Make sure you remember these, as it is important you understand what you're being assessed on.

ObjectiveWhat does it mean?
AO1Read and understand the texts.
Respond to the texts personally 鈥 developing your opinion and thoughts.
Use evidence to support your points.
AO2Analyse the language Shakespeare has used 鈥 why has he done this? What's the effect?
Analyse how Shakespeare has created the play and how it is put together (the structure of it) 鈥 why has he done this? What's the effect?
Analyse the form Shakespeare has used 鈥 why has he written a play?
AO3Understand how the Elizabethan period impacted on Shakespeare's writing. Think about religion, morality, family, love and marriage.
AO4Write accurately using correct spelling, punctuation and grammar.
What does it mean?Read and understand the texts.
What does it mean?Respond to the texts personally 鈥 developing your opinion and thoughts.
What does it mean?Use evidence to support your points.
What does it mean?Analyse the language Shakespeare has used 鈥 why has he done this? What's the effect?
What does it mean?Analyse how Shakespeare has created the play and how it is put together (the structure of it) 鈥 why has he done this? What's the effect?
What does it mean?Analyse the form Shakespeare has used 鈥 why has he written a play?
What does it mean?Understand how the Elizabethan period impacted on Shakespeare's writing. Think about religion, morality, family, love and marriage.
What does it mean?Write accurately using correct spelling, punctuation and grammar.