
Reverse percentages

Reverse percentages involve working backwards through a calculation to find the original amount (before a percentage change). It involves finding the original amount when the reduced (or increased) amount is known. The % decrease (or increase) must also be known.

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Tips to answer reverse percentage questions.

  • Read the question carefully. If you are given an amount which has already been reduced or increased, then it probably is a reverse percentage question.

  • Look out for phrases like 鈥original price/value鈥 or 鈥value before鈥 reduction/increase.

  • Make sure that your answer makes sense. It should be bigger if the value has been reduced/decreased and smaller if the value has been increased.

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Using reverse percentages


In a sale, the price of a coat is reduced by 15% and now is on sale for 拢76.50.
What was the original price of the coat?


The sale price and the % reduction have been given so it is a reverse % question.

The sale price is 85% of the original cost.

  • 85% = 拢76.50

  • 1% = 76.50 梅 85 = 0.9

  • 100% = 0.9 x 100.

  • = 90

85% of 拢90 = 90 x 0.85 = 拢76.50


The original price was 拢90.


After a price increase of 10% a games console costs 拢537.90.
What was the cost before the increase?


Increased price is 110% of original price.

  • 110% = 拢537.90

  • 1% = 4.89

  • 100% = 4.89 x 100

  • = 489

100% of 拢489 = 489 x 1.1 = 拢537.90


The games console cost 拢489 before the price increase.

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The weight of a packet of biscuits has been reduced by 6%. It now weighs 235 grams.
What was the original weight of the packet before the reduction?

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