
Measuring ingredients

A boy and a robot chef ready to cook

Measuring accurately is very important in cooking and baking.

In cooking, if you measure incorrectly, the final dish may taste bad or may not be edible. For example, if you added too much of a spice.

In baking, if you measure incorrectly, the mixture could become too runny or dry.

A boy and a robot chef ready to cook
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Video: How to measure different ingredients

Join Suzie, Anna and Solomon to learn how to measure ingredients using different units of measurement.

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What can you measure?

You can measure lots of different things when you are cooking and baking. Here are a few examples.

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 6, A small bunch of black grapes with two separate grapes at the side of the main bunch, Quantity You can measure the quantity or number of ingredients. For example, nine grapes or two bananas.
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Measuring weight

To measure the weight of ingredients when baking and cooking, we mainly use a set of scales. These will tell us how heavy the ingredients are.

There are two main types of scales:

  • analogue
  • digital

Analogue scales

Analogue scales have a dial to show the weight of the ingredients.

The scales need to be set to zero when the basket or bowl is put on top.

They will only weigh the ingredients that are added to the basket or bowl. The hand on the dial shows how much has been added in weight.

A set of green analogue scales on a white background The dial shows the needle pointing at hundred and fifty grams

Digital scales

Digital scales work in the same way as analogue scales by measuring the weight added onto them.

Instead of a dial, they have a digital screen which will show the amount added in numbers. Like analogue scales, they also have to be set to zero before measuring.

Digital scales measure more accurately than analogue scales and can display the value more precisely.

Four apples on a set of digital scales. The display reads four hundrend and fifty four grams.
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Measuring volume

Volume measures the amount of space that something takes up in a container.

Measuring jugs

To measure larger volumes of liquid, we would mainly use a measuring jug.

To measure a liquid, you need to place the jug on a flat surface. Then, watch the scale at eye-level and fill the jug until you reach the amount you need.

The measurement scale on a jug will usually count in 50s or 100s. That means you may need to estimate when measuring an amount like 25 millilitres.

A measuring jug

Measuring spoons

Teaspoons, tablespoons and measuring spoons can be used to measure smaller volumes.

They are used to measure both dry volumes (like a tablespoon of flour) and liquid volumes (like a teaspoon of oil).

Measuring spoons usually have a label on them to tell you how much a full spoon of ingredients contains.

A set of measuring spoons
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Standard units of measurement

Recipes use different units of measurement to show how much of each ingredient you need to add.

Standard units of measurement are units that are normally used for measuring , size and volume. They provide accurate details on how much of an ingredient needs to be used within a recipe.

A boy and a robot chef cooking

Examples of standard units of measurement are:

  • millilitre (ml)
  • litre (l)
  • gram (g)
  • kilogram (kg)
  • teaspoon (tsp)
  • tablespoon (tbsp)
A boy and a robot chef cooking
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Metric and imperial measurements

Most modern recipes will be written using measurements. These include:

  • grams
  • kilograms
  • millilitres
  • litres

When researching recipes, you may find other units of measurement too. These are called measurements. Some of these include:

  • ounces (oz)
  • pounds (lb)
  • pints (pt)

Imperial measurements were used in the UK until 1965. Some recipe writers still continued to use these measurements after that date.

Most digital scales can measure in ounces too and measuring jugs also usually have readings for pints.

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Non-standard units of measurement

A close up of a persons thumb and forefinger
Image caption,
A pinch is the amount that can be picked up between your thumb and forefinger.

Non-standard units of measurement are used when accuracy is not important.

In baking and cooking, these are mainly used for flavourings or seasonings.

Examples of non-standard units of measurement are:

  • a handful
  • a pinch
  • a thumb (of ginger)
  • a drizzle (of oil)
  • a squeeze (of lime)
A close up of a persons thumb and forefinger
Image caption,
A pinch is the amount that can be picked up between your thumb and forefinger.
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Activity: Standard and non-standard measurements

Have a look at these recipes and put your measuring knowledge to the test.

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Key words

VolumeThe volume measures the amount of space that something takes up in a container.
MassThe mass measures how heavy something is.
MetricMetric is a system of measurement that includes units such as grams, kilograms, millilitres and litres.
ImperialImperial is a system of measurement that includes units such as ounces, pounds, pints and gallons.
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Quiz: Match the measurements

Can you work out which kitchen tool you would use to measure these different ingredients?

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