Key points
- Calculations often give a decimal answer.
- It can be useful to convert a decimal to a percentageA fraction expressed as the number of parts per hundred and recorded using the notation % as a percentage is often easier to understand.
- To do these conversions, you need to be able to multiply by 100
How to convert a decimal to a percentage
- Multiply the decimal by 100 to get the percentage value.
- Write the percentage value and add the percentage symbol %
When the decimal has a value greater than one whole, the percentage will be greater than 100%. Eg the decimal 1∙2 converts to 120%
1 of 6
What is 0∙8 as a percentage?
Multiply 0∙8 by 100 to find the percentage value.
0∙8 x 100 = 80
0∙8 is 80%
What is 1∙6 as a percentage?
Multiply 1∙6 by 100 to find the percentage value.
1∙6 x 100 = 160
1∙6 is 160%
Practise converting decimals to percentages
Try this quiz to practise converting decimals to percentages.
Real-world maths
Converting decimals to percentages can be a valuable skill for anyone who publishes or presents data. This could include scientists, journalists, retailers and engineers.
A journalist may investigate employment statistics and find that a company has given a pay rise to 0∙8 of its staff. The figure is expressed as a decimal (0∙8) and so the journalist needs to converts this to a percentage (80%) to make the information easier for their readers to understand. The published article states that: “80% of staff received a pay rise.”
Game - Divided Islands
Play the Divided Islands game! gamePlay the Divided Islands game!
Using your maths skills, help to build bridges and bring light back to the islands in this free game from ̳ Bitesize.
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