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Tagged with: Strategy review

Posts (13)

  1. Delivering Quality First - exploring ideas

    Caroline Thomson

    Chief Operating Officer

    There have been various stories in the press this week speculating about proposals emerging from 'Delivering Quality First', which is our wide-ranging consultation with all 成人论坛 staff on how the 成人论坛 should deliver the highest quality programmes and services under our new licence fee settlement. ...

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  2. Reshaping 成人论坛 Online

    The 成人论坛 has always created and embraced emerging technologies to remain relevant. Text based journalism, through Ceefax, didn't really feature in the 成人论坛 until the late 1970s, which later evolved into 成人论坛 Red Button and the 成人论坛 News website, the backbone of 成人论坛 Online. Today, 成人论坛 Online gives us ...

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  3. Delivering quality first - staff consultation

    This morning Mark Thompson launched a consultation with staff on how the 成人论坛 can deliver the highest quality programmes and content to audiences to the end of the Charter in 2017. He said: "The 成人论坛 is being realistic taking prompt action to make sure it meets future funding limits, while con...

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  4. 成人论坛 Internet Blog - Changing how 成人论坛 Online works with suppliers

    "As outlined in March's Strategy Review, there are changes coming for 成人论坛 Online. A proposed 25% cut in spend by 2013, and a rationalisation of 400 websites to make way for fewer, clearly-defined, products will impact audiences and the 成人论坛 itself. External suppliers to 成人论坛 Online, critical to t...

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  5. 成人论坛 Strategy Review - Alan Yentob addresses the VLV conference

    "We will do our absolute best to fulfil our promise to put quality first." This was the key message from Alan Yentob at yesterday's 27th annual VLV (Voice of the Listener and Viewer) conference The morning event entitled 'Strictly Public Service Broadcasting - creative freedom and ambition?' ...

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  6. The Future of 6 Music

    6 Music has been a hot topic since we announced the proposal to close the network in the Strategy Review. The speculation about its future took a new twist over the weekend with a newspaper report that claimed that the network is set to be rebranded as Radio 2 Extra. Firstly, let me make it ...

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  7. Why the 成人论坛 must focus on quality content

    John Tate

    Director, Policy and Strategy

    I am giving evidence to the House of Lords Select Committee today about the 成人论坛's strategy review - Putting Quality First. I've spent a lot of time preparing for the session and - as part of that - I've been reminding myself about one of our key considerations in making the 成人论坛 more mission-focu...

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  8. Thank you for your comments

    This is a short post to say, very simply, thank you. I've had a chance to catch up on your comments this morning and I am really grateful to so many of you for taking the time to get in touch. Having set out proposals which included closing some much-loved services, I am not surprised that some...

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  9. The 成人论坛 Strategy Review & 成人论坛 Radio

    There has been a huge amount of online discussion about the 成人论坛's Strategy Review since Tuesday's announcement, much of it around the proposal to close 6 Music. I would like to explain the thinking behind this proposal and the plans for the Asian Network, but it's important to explain them in the...

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  10. The Strategy Review - some questions answered

    John Tate

    Director, Policy and Strategy

    Thank you for all your comments both on Mark Thompson's post, and elsewhere. I'm John Tate, the 成人论坛's Director of Policy and Strategy, and I'd like to take this opportunity to answer the main questions and concerns that seem to be emerging, outlined below. We'll be commenting more over the coming...

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