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Posts (3)

  1. ARENA NEWS WEEK: Assisted dying bill, conflict in Gaza and Dylan Thomas's love letters



    Arena Gazette 14th - 18th July: Assisted dying bill debated in the House of Commons, conflict in Gaza escalates and Dylan Thomas's early love letters sold at auction

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  2. ARENA NEWS WEEK: Stones manager dies, Sophia Loren at Cannes and Celia Cruz on fleeing Cuba



    Arena Gazette: Death of Rolling Stones manager Loewenstein, Sophia Loren at the Cannes Film Festival and Cuban embargo restirctions lifted

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  3. ARENA NEWS WEEK: Bob Dylan lyrics, Death Row and Manchester United



    Arena news week 28th April - 2nd May - Bob Dylan song lyrics go on sale, US inmate dies after botched lethal injection and Manchester United manager David Moyes is sacked

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