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Interesting Stuff 2009-05-01

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Dave Lee | 13:53 UK time, Friday, 1 May 2009

is 10 years old! Which, in internet years, is the equivalent of a very old, very wise man. If you missed it, here's their post about the occasion.


that the set is just too, well, old to be used for HD filming:

"What we've concluded is that everything is there for us in design terms for us to upgrade to HD apart from the exterior set, which is 24 going on 25 years old," Santer revealed. "And it shows, particularly in the brickwork on the Square and Bridge Street which doesn't pass muster on HD."

Who says life has to be all hard work? Jason DaPonte and team have been playing working with Lego. He :

We worked through a process where we used the Lego to model our own role; then how we operate within that role; the wider organisation etc, until we built up a large model of how our roles fit together and fit into the ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳. We also built aspects of ourself that we don't bring to work and used these to do some introspection into how we might (or might not) change the way we operated, etc.

You can learn more about .


in response to the .


asking if iPlayer HD is good enough to watch on a HD television. They reach a heartening conclusion:

So, is iPlayer HD good enough for your HD TV? Yes, we think it is actually. The quality isn't perfect, but if you missed something, or simply don't have access to the proper HD channel, it's likely to be a godsend. We're hopeful that the ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ will continue to improve the quality.

The Knowledge Exchange blog has a summary of their 'A Collaborative Journey' event last week. If you're involved in any shape or form in academia or research you really should give it a read.


It's been a while since we changed our blog design, but some of us are still settling in. Your feedback is always welcome.


Sarah, the new Points of View message board host, is getting comfy in her new role. Here's a thread about all the places you can discuss ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ programming around the web.


Without sounding too much like a certain UK newspaper, we couldn't resist posting this comment on ThinkBroadband by reader TonyHoyle:

What the hell is wrong with this country? The ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳/ITV collaborate to produce an open standard and Ofcom jump up and try to kill it.

Where was all this bleating about competition when Sky produced a proprietary EPG and closed encryption standard that effectively destroyed the open market on satellite hardware in this country? Nowhere. It's got nothing to do with competition and everything to do who has been passing brown envelopes.

That outburst was in response to .

Another . Project Canvas in , we believe.

Dave Lee is co-editor, ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Internet Blog, Future Media and Technology.


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