Erick E - 'Beat Is Rocking'
For once, the reason behind this song is obvious and I’m going to share it with you. Let me set the scene… he’s on a date with a lovely lady, they went to McDonalds, to the amusement arcade and now they’re at a club, he’s tried but he just doesn’t find her interesting (she’s into card making). So, she’s talking about her glitter and double-sided foam tape and he’s switched off and is deep in thought about his surroundings...
Being a swanky DJ et all he thinks in a language called DANCETALK, and his thoughts go as follows…
"The beat is rockin' and never stoppin', the DJ's playing my body's swaying, so keep me staying cause I was saying, oooh boy..."
Suddenly inspired, Mr E is likin’ so Mr E does repeatin’ (I’m just as good as him) and cos he’s drunk and a little bored he realizes that this is ENTERTAINING STUFF. So he dumps the wannabe Blue Peter presenter, runs home and records his three lines of thought on the top of a generic uber-repetitive over-used beat, like he heard on every song in the club, and then he cleverly mixed it with another generic uber-repetitive over-used dance beat, and hey presto! Told you it was obvious.
To sum up - to like this song you probably have to be drunk and bored and to make a song like this you also have to be drunk and bored. So kids, don’t get drunk when you’re bored. Or the other way around.
Released: February 5th
(Amy V)
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