Tuesday's Quote of the Day
'We just hope people understand that this is not a place for a horse" - Spokeswoman for Wilcox Memorial Hospital in Hawaii, after a visitor brought in a patient's horse to cheer him up.
The visitor and his equine companion were only stopped as they disembarked from the elevator on the third floor, having made it through the main entrance as reception staff had gone home for the night.
While the animal wasn't allowed onto the ward to visit his owner, the patient was brought out to see his favourite pet... only for it to turn out that the well-meaning (and intoxicated) relative had brought in the wrong horse.
Send us your suggested headlines for this story, using the form below. The best will be posted throughout the day.
Intensive mare
Hawaii Five Whoa
Chaos reins.
Derby and Moan
Taking the mane chance.
Knight nurse.
Hospital groom service.
Was the patient in for an E.C GeeGee?
A room full of Shergar helps the medicine go down
After the horse what next ...a Cat Scan and a Lab test?
Missed her, Ed
Only Fools and Horses