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Tagged with: Anecdotes

Posts (52)

  1. In the Realm of James Ferman

    Mark Kermode

    An Oshima retrospective at the BFI recalls a revealing story about the true nature of film censorship in the UK, in this instance concerning the Japanese master's most famous and notorious masterpiece, Ai No Corrida AKA In the Realm of the Senses.

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  2. The Pirate of Cropredy

    Mark Kermode

    So here I am at the delightful Cropredy Festival having a wonderful relaxed time among a crowd of happy, easy-going people when my eye catches something that reminds me of some very bad news. Pirate news. Pirates of the Caribbean news. Pirate of the Caribbean news with a bitter and ruthless twist.

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  3. The Boorman/Tarantino Nexus

    Mark Kermode

    Left to its own devices the Kermode Uncut blog recombined the Boorman and Tarantino items to generate an explosion of energetic, elevated and enterprising discussion to which I am here delighted to alert you.

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  4. The Tarantino Situation

    Mark Kermode

    Everyone knows his name, everyone knows he's the ultimate fanboy turned auteur. So why has this Inglourious Basterd never again scaled the creative heights of his early oeuvre? Why has everything he's made since looked, well, rather shoddy by comparison?

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  5. John Boorman: an exorcism

    Mark Kermode

    Perusing your comments I came across a request to explain my antipathy toward John Boorman, the director behind such brilliant movies as Hell in the Pacific, Point Blank and Deliverance. Yeah. And Exorcist II: The Heretic, the Worst-Film-Ever-Made. Starting to make sense? Anyway, it occurred to me that Kermode Uncut is as good a place as any to get this thing out of my system.

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  6. A Dodge Brothers Movie Tribute

    Mark Kermode

    After last year's homage de skiffle to George Lucas's animated Star Wars outing, The Clone Wars, my fellow Dodge Brothers and I have found the courage to try another summer spectacular: the Alexander Courage, in fact.

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  7. Can movies still cause a moral panic?

    Mark Kermode

    Horror movies Child's Play, Severance, the Evil Dead, video games such as Grand Theft Auto, and even old action movies like Die Hard and the Towering Inferno can be identified as potential triggers for properly anti-social behaviour and worse... at least according to your blogs this week they al...

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  8. Silent Movie Special

    Mark Kermode

    With my band The Dodge Brothers I recently got to play along to a live screening of a silent movie. With us was Neil Brand, whose mellifluous skills as a silent movie accompanist have been widely celebrated by Paul Merton among others, and a jolly and rather revelatory time was had by all.

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  9. Online Movie Piracy: Sorted, no problem

    Mark Kermode

    X-Men Origins: Wolverine is one side of the coin, Brit indie horrorfest Mum and Dad another, and Monsters versus Aliens is yet another (because it's a 3d coin). But who is really to blame for online movie piracy? Allow me to explain...

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  10. Another encounter with Werner Herzog

    Mark Kermode

    Encounters at the End of the World were followed by a reassuringly icy blast of weltschmertz at the National Film Theatre.

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