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Tagged with: Data

Posts (3)

  1. The art of designing surveys about social norms: insights from Ethiopia

    Hilina Assefa and Lois Aspinall

    成人论坛 Media Action

    The art of designing surveys about social norms: insights from Ethiopia

    What are the challenges in researching social norms with surveys and how do you overcome them? Hilina Assefa and Lois Aspinall offer some solutions, drawing on five responses commonly heard in the field in Ethiopia.

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  2. Five questions our data portal can help answer

    Sonia Whitehead

    Head of Research Programmes, 成人论坛 Media Action

    Five questions our data portal can help answer

    There's a lack of data on what ordinary people think, feel and want in developing countries. Our new Data Portal aims to help fix that.

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  3. Dispatch from the UN World Data Forum

    Sonia Whitehead

    Head of Research Programmes, 成人论坛 Media Action

    Dispatch from the UN World Data Forum

    Head of Research Programmes Sonia Whitehead shares her three top takeaways from the first-ever UN World Data Forum.

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