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Posts (8)

  1. Seven lessons from scaling up mHealth in India

    Sara Chamberlain, Radharani Mitra, Anna Godfrey

    ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Media Action

    Seven lessons from scaling up mHealth in India

    We take a deeper dive into what we learned from Kilkari, Mobile Academy and Mobile Kunji– our mobile health communication projects for frontline healthcare workers and families in India - following on from our exciting series in BMJ Global Health.

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  2. Out from the shadows: Tackling the stigma of disability in refugee communities

    Fariha Rahman

    Bangladesh research officer, ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Media Action

    Out from the shadows: Tackling the stigma of disability in refugee communities

    Our research in the Rohingya camps of Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh revealed that people with disabilities are often hidden away, without access to information and excluded from decision-making processes. Our research officer explains more.

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  3. Designing for inclusion: From invisible to #Invaluables

    Varinder Kaur Gambhir, Soma Katiyar and Ragini Pasricha

    ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Media Action India

    Designing for inclusion: From invisible to #Invaluables

    Bengaluru, India’s Silicon Valley, generates 5,757 metric tonnes of solid waste per day, much of it recycled by informal waste pickers. Our Pathway to Respect, Identity, Dignity and Empowerment (PRIDE) project aims to connect them with the community for greater respect and dignity.

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  4. Using compassion to build tolerance through radio drama in Myanmar

    Becky Palmstrom

    Senior advisor, governance and rights

    Using compassion to build tolerance through radio drama in Myanmar

    In a fractured context like Myanmar, where the media is often a tool for sowing distrust and division, our programme Tea Cup Diaries drew on that most traditional of Buddhist qualities – compassion – to open up space for greater tolerance and understanding.

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  5. Why women in journalism need to be considered in pandemic and conflict recovery

    Julie Boutros

    Project manager, Eastern Europe

    With public interest media under threat around the world, we are committed to continuing our efforts to ensure that women’s voices are meaningfully represented - throughout media organisations, and in the content they produce – to properly reflect the audiences they serve.

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  6. Online violence against women and girls in Nepal: what we have learned

    Anju Bhatt and Manju Gautam

    Research manager and research officer, Nepal

    Online violence against women and girls in Nepal: what we have learned

    Cases of online abuse against women and girls have spiked in recent years. However, the legal and policy initiatives to address it do not seem to delve deep enough into the grave and changing dynamics of online violence in Nepal, or how this perpetuates gender-based violence in the offline world.

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  7. How can digital technology empower women without worsening inequality?

    Sara Chamberlain

    Digital project director, ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Media Action India

    How can digital technology empower women without worsening inequality?

    How can we harness the digital revolution to empower women – socially, economically and politically - without creating deeper social and gender divides? Our Digital Women's Economic Empowerment learning in India is examining this question, with fascinating insights.

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  8. Examining awareness of disability in Nigeria

    Manju Gautam and Akunna Penny

    Research officer & research manager, ³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Media Action

    An estimated 15% of the global population live with some form of disability - including invisible impairments such as anxiety or chronic illnesses. But the lack of data around people with invisible disability makes it hard to foster understanding and overcome barriers.

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